I must apologise for the length of time since I wrote a blog here but with moving home and working, I've found myself very restricted in having time to do so. Well today I am able to type and I figure this seems as good a time as any to talk some more about my indie brand Nail Pop Polish and some news I have in regards to it!
I'm excited to announce that as of August I will be selling my brand at a local shop that is dedicated to makers of all different items. I cannot wait to be a part of this new chapter with Nail Pop Polish and I have a busy two weeks ahead in preparation of stock. I am also looking into changing my logo and sticker design on my bottles to enhance their aesthetics (this was on the cards anyway, I just need to speed it up now!).
If you are a follower of me on Instagram (if not, why not?!) I have been posting lots of sneaky macro shots and #pourn vids of my upcoming new range. I'm going to share some pictures and information on my new collection with you today so that this post doesn't turn into a wall of text. The next theme is......
The Egyptian Collection
This is a collection of 8 new polishes inspired by Egypt and Egyptian history. It's my first glitter heavy collection too and after some trial and error with working out the best ingredients, I hope you will all be as excited as I am to try these out when I release them at the end of the month.
Jewel Of The Nile is a blue micro glitter holo. I've tried my hand with this collection at making solid glitter polishes and I'm excited to see what everyone thinks.
Gift To The Gods is a chunkier orange holo glitter in a clear base. This is the first polish I made for this collection as I fell in love with this glitter when I got my supplies through.
Valley Of The Blings is a silver and blue glitter packed concoction. I just love the flecks of blue standing out on this one to make it different.
Oasis is a hard one to describe and an even harder polish to capture in it's true light! It's a bit like Champagne's sister as it has that golden holo feel but this one is packed with a green shimmer that reflects in the light.
Last one I have to share a picture of with you is Sahara Sunset. This polish really is like the setting sun trapped in a bottle. Holo with a strong red shimmer as the light hits it.
The other three polishes in the collection are Mummy's Delight, Pharaoh's Gold and Arabic Nights. I've sent my samples out to swatchers so I'm sure you will be seeing plenty of shots coming soon on social media!
I'm really excited to see how well this collection is received, not only online but in store too as this is such an exciting prospect for me. This is my first glitter heavy collection too so I hope everyone likes what I have made.
I have also opened up international shipping so if you are outside the UK and would like my polishes, please send me a private message either on Etsy or Instagram for a quote.
Thanks for reading and I hope you are as excited about Nail Pop Polish as I am!
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