Sunday, 8 November 2015

Nail Pop Polish: Making My Own Indie

In this blog I get to share with you an exciting project I've been working on; my own indie nail polish line.  After reading more into already established brands, I then moved on to looking into just how hard is it to make your own?  A lot of it seems to be trial and error as to what effect you are trying to achieve.  Out of 6 attempts at different polishes only 1 of those turned into an utter fail.  As the title suggests the name of my indie will be Nail Pop Polish.  My first collection is Stars & Planets.  Lets get onto the pictures! (Warning, there is A LOT of pictures)

First we have Cosmic which is a black holographic.  This was the second colour I made and I'm proud of how it turned out.  All pictures are taken with two coats of colour and no top coat.

Let's move on to polish number two (which was actually the first I made).  For some reason I had in my head that I wanted to make a yellow holographic polish, so thats what I did!

This is Sunshine, a yellow holo.  If you use it on it's own with two coats it gives a jelly finish to it.  If you would like a more opaque and brighter yellow then I recommend doing one coat over white that I have done on the middle finger.
Two coats of Sunshine, no top coat.

 This is one coat of Sunshine over white, no top coat.

Moving onto the third polish we have Orion which is an orange jelly with green flecks.
This is two coats and no top coat.  You can really see the green flecks coming through in this picture.
 Again with this polish you have the option of putting it over white like I've done here.  This allows you a complete opaque finish if you do not like the jelly effect.
I like having the option of keeping it as a jelly polish or using a base to create something more opaque.  This would also look great over an orange shade too.

For the fourth polish we have Jupiter.
For this picture I've done three thin coats to achieve an opaque look, though it is also okay to wear as a jelly polish if that is what you prefer.  This is a blue-green with silver glitter added.

Though it's hard to pick a favourite out of my own creations, this next one is definitely up there.  My objective with this polish was to create a pearlescent glitter topper that was made to go over a base colour or to add a hint of sparkle.
Let me introduce to you Milky Way :D  I've applied it here over white as one of the many options you can use for your base.  
This is one coat on it's own, this would look amazing over a classic white french tip.
How about over black?!  I think right now this is my favourite look.  You really see the blue/purple sheen come out on this base colour.

I hope the picture spam wasn't too much for you!  Look out for these going up for sale in 5ml and 10ml sizes hopefully soon.  If you follow me on any other social media I update there frequently.  Thank you all for reading and I would love to hear any feedback you have.

Until next time,




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